Onward to the Future!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

We made our way across the countryside safe and sound. We only got pulled over twice, and both times we only got a warning since we were only driving through and moving to Chicago. The best part was that both times happened on the same day within a few hours of each other!
So we finally moved in and have a house. It is nice with an actual front yard and back yard, and two stories. All for less than our little two bedroom duplex in San Juan Capistrano! Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that all is ok with the DREWSTER!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

So, we took the family out for one last fun day in California. Even little Drew IV was getting the hang of the mini-golf thing. Since we are moving, we are going through all of our papers and junk. We found two gift cards that we had received for Christmas and somehow lost in the last few months. After playing at the park, go-kart racing, lunch, and dinner we only had to spend 5 of our own dollars! I guess moving is good for something!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hey people!
I got the go ahead from Chicago on Tuesday this week. For the entry level position there is a low and high salary limit, and they offered me the high limit. It will be about a 15% increase in pay and about a 45% decrease in the cost of living. We are scheduled to move on the 14th of March and I will be starting on the 20th. I am excited and anxious to see how I will do in this new environment. I'm sure that after a while I will be able to excell in whatever I set out to do. Thank you all for your support. I hope to hear from some of you here on the blog. Let us know what's going on out there!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

What's up everyone? I just got home last night from Chicago! The interview went wonderful at my new job. I spent the day at the school where I will be an instructor just observing and watching how the teacher works and what I would be doing. Since I had already attended the class and the current director was my instructor, I didn't really have to get to know her that much. She was satisfied with all I said, and I even got to help in the class a couple of times. It looks like we'll be starting the move in the middle of March. Thank you all for all of your support and love. I saw that Guy is in on the blog, I hope he puts up a post soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hey everyone!
You guys rock! Thanks for jumping in on the fun. Good luck to Summer in her new venture. Remember Summer, even though it's the first night of school, you've done it before and came out on top! You can do it!

Hey everyone! This is our place that we can put up posts on our happenings and let everyone in on what is new in our life. All we have to do is keep it current. I know that new things don't happen every day, but maybe once a week we can check it out to take part in our friends lives. We built some important relationships in the last couple years and I'm sure that we don't want to lose them to quickly. Thanks for your interest and I hope we can do this.

P.S. Wish me luck in Chicago on Friday with my final interview. Thanks, Drew!